Prof. Dr. Tim Süß

Tim Süß

Our group mourns the loss of our friend and former colleague Prof. Dr. Tim Süß, who passed away at the beginning of February after a long and serious illness.

After receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Paderborn in 2011 in the group of Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Dr. Süß was one of the first researchers to help us set up our group in Mainz. He contributed his experience in the field of high performance computing and visualization and successfully built up his own research topics and projects.

It has always been important for him to combine theoretical challenges and solutions with practical implementations, thus acting as a link between research and application. This practical relevance was also reflected in his work as a member of the High Performance Computing Group at the University's compute center "Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung", which he performed in addition to his research and teaching activities.

His research results in combination with the fact that he always enjoyed teaching and working with Ph.D., B.Sc. and M.Sc. students were widely recognized and allowed him to first hold a deputy professorship for "Efficient Co-Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization" at our university from 2017 to 2018, before becoming a professor for "Operating Systems and Parallel Computing" at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda in 2019.

With his positive, open, but also determined way, he has enriched the path of all of us. Our thoughts are with your wife and children.

Tim, we will miss you.